Following the announcement of some new, temporary restrictions for the North East we want to reassure all of our community that Newcastle College will remain open for our learners.
We understand that these changes may be confusing and perhaps concerning for our students and their parents and guardians, so we want to confirm what these measures mean and how they’ll affect students at Newcastle College.
Parents and guardians can read an Open Letter from the Principal about these new restrictions here.
The restrictions announced today do not affect colleges or other places of education. We will remain open for learners and all students should continue to attend lessons following their usual timetable.
After six months out of education and continued disruption to exams and qualifications, it is vital that young people can now continue their education safely and with stability. We know that everyone will share our aim to ensure that our students are in the best position possible to succeed.
We are in the process of contacting all of our students and where necessary, parents and guardians to reassure them that these new restrictions do not affect attendance at the college and they are in place to ensure that young people can continue their education safely and without further disruption.
Safety on Campus
The health and wellbeing of our students is our top priority, but it is important that students can continue their education and benefit from spending time with their tutors and classmates. Newcastle College follows all of the advice and guidance set out by our local Health Protection team and we have robust procedures in place to ensure the safety of all of our community.
We have made many changes to the campus and to the way that we teach in order to make learning as safe as possible. This includes reducing the time that each student spends on campus so that they’re not around as many people while they are here.
These changes have been approved by Public Health and they are designed to stop any unnecessary contact between students and colleagues, reducing the risk of spreading any potential illness. It is vital that everyone on campus follows our safety measures.
All of our students and colleagues are asked to follow the safety measures, set out in this Keeping You Safe guide and on our Safety Information pages.
This means they need to:
- maintain a safe 2 metre distance from others at all times, even if they’re outside
- follow the one-way systems in place on campus
- wear a face covering inside buildings on campus
- remain in their allocated building for lessons and break times and should not use catering facilities in other buildings
- leave signage and classroom set-ups as they are. They should not move furniture, close windows or remove signs
- use the lifts one person at a time
- wash and sanitise hands regularly
- stay home if they’re showing any symptoms of Covid-19
- do not smoke on campus
We want to thank all of our community for their resilience and support during this time. By working together and staying apart, we can get through this.