Newcastle College roofing apprentice Niall Martin has been named the 2023 Apprentice of the Year by his tutors and employer partner Cupa Pizarras. 

Niall, 20, who is in his second year of a Roof Slating and Tiling apprenticeship with local roofing specialist John Flowers Ltd, was also named Intermediate Apprentice of the Year at the Newcastle College Apprenticeship Awards earlier in the year. 

Programme Leader Jay Lewis said “Niall has a fantastic attitude; he’s so keen to learn and his punctuality’s amazing; he’s always the first one here, and the last one out. He helps the other learners too because he’s very advanced. He thoroughly deserves this award.” 

The annual ‘Roofing Apprentice of the Year’ competition is sponsored by Cupa Pizarras, the world leader in natural slate and a longstanding partner of the College. The award was presented to Niall by Head of Construction, Harry Teasdale (pictured, above). 

Niall commented: “It was amazing to be named Roofing Apprentice of the Year! I wasn’t expecting it at all.” 

Find out about an apprenticeship at Newcastle College