How to Make an Application
What to expect when you apply to Newcastle College
So you're ready for the next step but aren't quite sure what it should be? Choosing your college or sixth-form is an exciting time but it can be daunting too. We've put some top tips together below, to help you choose the right course for you and let you know what to expect when you make an application.
Top Tips
Know Your Options
It's important to find out what all of your options are and what you want from a college, a course or a sixth-form. Do you know what is close to your home? Would you prefer to do A-Levels or focus on your vocation? Take the time to do your research before you apply!
Follow your passion
Choosing a course is a big decision and with so much on offer, it could be tempting to choose the same course as your best friend. Your choices are your stepping stone to what comes next, so make sure you choose something you're really interested in, you enjoy doing and can see yourself pursuing in the future. One of the great things about college is meeting new people who share your interests, and still being able to meet your mates for lunch!
Find out about support
It's always good to know what help and support is available to you, wherever you choose to apply. Newcastle College has an award-winning support team who can help you with your studies, as well as your mental health and wellbeing. We can also help you with financial support. If you're eligible, you could receive help with meals, travel, study equipment and field trips.
Take a look around!
You're going to be spending lots of time at your chosen college or sixth-form, so arrange a visit and take a look around to get a feel for the place. Is it easy to get to? What are the facilities like? What's around campus? Our main campus is in the centre of Newcastle, so we're easy to reach and just a short stroll from shops and restaurants.
You can visit us, take a look around, get advice and speak to tutors at one of our regular Open Events. Find out when the next one is, and how to book your place here.
Make an application
Once you've decided on a course (or even narrowed it down to two), you're ready to make an application. To apply for a course at Newcastle College, simply click 'Apply Now' on the course page and this will pop your chosen course into a basket on the website. Then you need to click 'Apply Now' again to visit your basket, followed by 'Complete Application'. This will allow you to apply for up to two courses with just one simple application form.
After we've received your application, our Student Services team will review it. Sometimes, if we need more information, or the course requires an interview or audition, the application will be referred to the curriculum area. They'll contact you directly to arrange to chat. Don't worry if you've chosen a course that isn't quite right for you, we'll help you find one that is.
Accept your place
Once your place has been agreed, you'll be sent an email to offer you a place on your chosen course. All you need to do is click the link in that email to accept and secure your place at Newcastle College!
Each college is slightly different, but our enrolment period takes place in August and you'll be contacted a few weeks before to give you all the details you need. You'll be invited onto campus to enrol in person. This is when you'll receive your Newcastle College Student ID and officially become part of our community!